The competition will be flown primarily using the standard Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 Landranger map, scaled up to 1:66,666 and with overlaid detail to indicate airspace restrictions and competition task details. This scaling makes for a convenient measurement of 1.5 cm to 1km. The maps (without additional competition task details) can be purchased from Memory Map for digital download.
The full competition map area with relevant CAA airspace and turnpoints for the open navigation elements can be downloaded in Google Earth KML and KMZ format through the links below. There may be additional local no fly zones imposed on the printed maps which are not yet shown on this version.
Please note that these are provided in advance to enable pilots to familiarise themselves with the area and explore route options. We reserve the right to make changes to these points at any time and it is pilots responsibility to ensure they are using the correct version. The absolute authority remains with the printed maps that will be distributed to pilots at the competition.

Versions downloadable from the buttons above, updated 30/06/2022.